Mighty Proud!!!

My ex used to call me his "one million doors". Weird! he justified such name because according to him, I'm like this house with one million doors. What's in the first door, differ from what's in the other door. Okay, exes can sometime be silly. But yeah, I am a walking contradiction. Sometimes, male close friends would say I am a man trapped in a woman's body. I have out of this world hobbies for a woman. One of which, includes Tamiya. Yes, those ships you see, I fancied building them. Now my bestfriend whose been really supportive of my eccentric ways, sent me a BLUENOSE KIT from Model Shipways, straight from the US and was I ecstatic!

But since I've been busy for the past months, it actually took me four efffing months to finish it. But yesterday, it made it's debut. Woooohoooo. Finally! Ladies and gentlemen, the proud momma flaunts ATLAS (I am fond of giving names to my things)!

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