I just had the funniest conversation with a supervisor here at the office via sms. Funny how this guy drives me nuts with his witty antics. We would talk about anything under the sun - from the way he wears his hair to how I cut my nails. Our topic earlier revolved around the word 'Septic Tank‘. He ennumerated employees with a weapon of mass destruction: halitosis or in layman’s term, bad breath and I just can't help myself but laugh the whole time.
So out of curiousity and of course for reputation's sake, I asked him if my breath smelled bad. (haha! It pays to ask you know!) I felt relieved that he said "No! Otherwise I wouldnt be talking with you about this stuff, crazy! " I would probably slash my throat with a knife if he bluntly gave me a "yes!".
I value conversation. I just love exchanging ideas with someone; pick his or her brains out and we could both immerse in an intellectual intercourse (nothin sexual, ayt? Tehee!). But it is just so dreadful when you start to notice that there is a gross and abominable odor coming from the person you’re speaking with. That just stinks! And it’s frightening since you have to bear with the smell of a rotting carcass from your friend’s mouth. Ewwwww! How bad can it get? That’s just depressing, ya’ll!
Please go get a vacuum and shove it down your throat. I’m bad, I know… so sue me!
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