Hiya guys! :) It's been a long time since I last updated you with what's going on. It has been a hurley burley ride for me and some people... no worries though for I shall tell you everything that I can recall. Where shall I start?
- I cried a river last week. Our boss told us he was resigning and the news made me so so so depressed that I gave him my immediate resignation that same day. No offense to those people out there who I believe are doing more than they can to show they're worth their jobs, but my boss? He is incomparable. No one does it better than him and there's utterly no reason to stay in the company if he is also leaving. The whole thing got rectified though when the owner of the company talked to him personally and made him stay (he is that brilliant!) ... So everyone is happy... Everyone in the training team is beaming with joy. Yippppppeeeeee... "J" is staying for good and I cant contain such happiness... :)
- Our company christmas party was held at the CICC. Well, everyone of course came in their glamorous gowns considering that twas a red carpet event. I was obliged to wear a freakin gown and everyone knows am not used to waring one in my entire existence. I found the party boring. Pretty boring except though for that part when "S" sang. He wasnt feeling well. He had fever and had the sorest throat but he still managed to put a fight and got a spot. I brought him meds that night. Earlier that day, we were in the training room - he was practicing with his partner while I on the other hand watch him with so much adoration. I love the kid. He is wonderful. An eventful thing happened right after the party though. We got both into each other's nerves and argued a bit but I was thinking twas already settled before we called it a night.
- "S" was absent last Monday. I got worried and tried texting him but I never got a response. I figured, he was just resting until Tuesday came. I bumped into him and to my astonishment, he never said "HI!" which he never fails to do every time we meet. I started to wonder but then I never thought he was mad because as far as my knowledge is concern, I never did anything to make him feel bad. Lunch came and I decided to grab something to eact at McDo. While on my way, I saw his teammates situated on one of the tables. They said "Hi" so I was obliged to dropped by their table. Seconds after, he arrived and there goes the cold shoulder again. I almost died of brain purging for thinking so hard what the hell I did and I cant think of a valid reason why he chose not to talk to me. It went on for 3 days until I can no longer contain it. So I sent him a text message and out of decency perhaps, he responded. (You may read the details here.) Bottom line is I eneded the friendship. I may be shallow for doing it but what can you expect? If he claims that it wasnt me, then why didnt he talk to me? If he wanted space, then why didnt he tell me? Was it too much to ask? Did it give him pleasure looking at me forlorn and clueless as to what I did? All I have left are questions that will never be answered anymore. I chose not to talk to him. He wanted to but I told him that he already forfeited the right to talk to me when he chose to hurt me this much. Everything will always be hurting for me. I look at him and all I have are memories. Regrets? Yes, a lot... If I wanna talk to him again? My heart longs for it but it's better this way. Maybe, we are just toxic to each other and we're better apart. I know. I should know. *sigh!*
- On a lighter note, I had CARE Training for Team Soc and believe me, they made a very big difference. I was broken the whole time I was training them because I was still bothered about me and "S". Yet thanks to my trainees (Yuan, Sharpey, Elaine, Rhiza to name a few) who made the whole experience worthwhile. I had diversion and all I had to do was laugh all the heartaches out. I was also thankful because my impression people changed. Like Clau, I've always seen her as sooooo "maldita." Detestable! Difficult! Who would look at you with her glaring stare and you'ld melt and die that instant. In truth, she is really one hell of a personality but I realized, she's just more like me and we somehow think a like. And I figured, we can really be good friends. :) It made me realize that the saying "first impressions NEVER last" holds true. What you perceive of people doesnt have to be their reality. It takes a lifetime to fathom the unknown. Like one of the Johari Quadrants, we have a FACADE and oftentimes, this is misinterpreted. :)
- Right after CARE Training, we had breakfast and drank booze at a nearby "tambayan" while others were singing their hearts out. I left around 10am (Mylyn picked me up) to surprise RJ. twas his 22nd birthday and we thought of buying him cake and taking him to church. The poor thing cried when we brought out the cake with two candles lighted and sang him "happy birthday!" We had dinner at their house and stayed in his room until 12midnight and we then called it a day.
Twas a tough week I know. With little happines on the sides and mostly sadness, I believe I will be able to bounce back. 90% of life after all happens beyond your control while 10% of it happenes because of how you react. :) I think i should start practising what I teach in CARE. Law of Attraction. Think positive. Now I'm using my brain again! *brain mode*
1 comment:
hahahahaha do i really look maldita? good thing that your perception of me changed.. yes, i noticed too that we think alike and i'd like to be your friend jd, swear!
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