As I look at Vincent van Gogh's painting "Starry Night" printed in cheap paper on my wall, I could feel the surge of imagination running through his veins as his mind controls every stroke of the brush. Just a tiny village at peace while overhead rages the cries of the heavens. This painting makes me feel as such mass of serenity, tranquility and love around me in a feverish haze on partially reflected in reality while I remain grounded and secure in my own isolation. I kept a printed copy of this magnificent depiction inmy room hoping to keep the printed motionless life on my walls but as my unfortunate days overwhelms my every existence in this unfair little world, i found myself tearing the printed picture off my walls one day and saw myself laying turbid but not peaceful along with it. I tried moving on with my life with having not to think nor hope for a more peaceful world or something like it, but unfortunate mishaps and non - intentional outbreaks have come to be my refuge, i myself have become one of them, them - working - souless people walking like zombies on the streets without hopes fora better world but their own, so busy with their own tribulations similar as mine, but how can I tell ifwhat I had known to believe in is not a floating zombie itself? I don't know, and I dont think I wanna know.Without having to think of something beyond my redundant existence makes my life miserable and my whole soul empty. Life is so simple, so are people. But human emotions that goes along with it is complex.I am complex. But I have learned to love me and Ihave learned how to deal. There is really no point in fighting it nor does it hurt to hope for it, the painting is not empty and so are we. And now my seemingly destoyed painting printed in cheap paper is up on my walls again, reminding me everyday that there is a place similar to that little village inside me and a little part of that evening of mass tranquility above me.
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