i'm back!!!

I haven't been writing lately because a lot of things have been going on and if I give you a retaliation of all of them, this page is not enough! Anyways, it's good to be back in circulation!

So where shall I start? Tah... Tah... Tah...

I want to write about a lot of things but I don't feel like writing. (how ironic!) I feel that I won't do justice to the things I will write about if I write now. I am feeling so nothing, so blah. Neither sad nor happy. Like I'm looking at everything that's happening to me in a detached kind of way. Unfeelingly seeing each day fly by. Wanting to sometimes shout or just laugh out loud just for the heck of it, but not being able to. Wanting to sometimes just stare into space and think of everything and nothing at the same time. Wanting to resist falling into vertigo but realizing that it won't really matter. Wanting to convince myself that everything's alright but knowing deep inside that everything's a lie.

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