There we were at Mocha Blends, me sipping a piccolo glass of Mocha Malt Adoration, and him enjoying a glass of Mocha malt something or or the other. I can't remember what made me mention good and evil but that's when the argument started. He said that there is no good nor evil in this world, that good and evil just came from the dictates of society, that when the world started out, there was nothing good nor evil, everything just is. I vehemently disagreed. I believe that there are some things innate in this world, and as intelligent human beings that we are, we have that instinctive knowledge on what good and evil is. But he believes otherwise. He argued that the good vs evil judgment is just something that society imposed on mankind.
I agree that society may have imposed a lot of norms and beliefs but my question is, where did man base his judgment? What made him decide that such a thing or an act is good or evil?When somene punches your face, you feel pain, and you know that that pain is bad because you don't like the feeling of pain. I don't think pain is something that has to be dicated by anyone, for you to know that pain is bad. It's something you know instinctively. In the same way that we instinctively know that killing someone is evil. It's because we have that innate desire to preserve life, because we ourselves also have that innate desire to preserve our own lives.
He says that I should read Conversations with God 1 for me to understand his point. If it will answer the question, What made man decide that something is good/something is evil?, then maybe I'll be convinced. But for now, as long as no one can answer that question, I stand by my belief that there is good and evil in this world, and that man's knowledge of it is something instinctive and innate.
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