Now Sober!

No. I haven't lost my mind. Nor did some random soul claim possession of my body.

It's been over five long years since I became deviant. And by that, I mean literally obsessing my self of the world. I started to question my faith and stopped practicing the religion I grew up with - Mormonism. Five years ago, I made the choice to stop going to church and along with this, I chose to forget all the principles and standards that I vowed to follow and embody. I drowned myself with alcohol almost every damn day of my life. I smoked like I had no lungs. I cursed like there was no tomorrow. I ALMOST lost my virginity a lot of times. I literally forgot who I was years ago - the obedient daughter of Heavenly Father who goes to church every Sunday. My life then was totally different to what it is now. But then again, we all make big choices sometimes and this time there is no turning back anymore...

I have decided to quit drinking, smoking, and all that and will try so hard to work for my own salvation. It's not gonna be an easy task. I will receive mockery and most of my friends will perhaps question my ways and raise their eyebrows on the sides. But I will try harder to hold on to the iron rod with an unwavering faith and a firm testimony of how His gospel and teaching will change me in more ways than one.

No. I haven't lost my mind. Nor did some random soul claim possession of my body. I just believe that play time is over. Now I'm gearing up for yet another battle I will be facing and with steadfastness, I might just come out victorious in the end. =)

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