I love Dr. House. He is amusing! And watching the series over and over again is my wanton display of affection and worship towards him. I even memorized some of the lines. Talk about hard core addiction!
you pretend to buck the system.
you pretend to be a rebel.
you claim to hate rules.
but all you do is substitute your own rules for society's.
and it's a nice simple rule...
tell the blunt, honest truth in the starkest, darkest way;
and what will be, will be.what will be, should be.
and everyone else is a coward.
but youre wrong.
it's not cowardly to not call someone an idiot.
people are not tactful and polite just because it's nice.
they do it because they have an ounce of humility.
because they know that they will make mistakes.
and they know that.- Moriarty, House MD (2nd Season Finale)